Context API Reference#

class flare.context.message.MessageContext(interaction: T)[source]#

Bases: PartialContext[ComponentInteraction]

async get_components() MutableSequence[Row][source]#

Returns the flare components for the interaction this context is proxying

property channels: Sequence[PartialChannel]#

The values selected for a channel select menu.

property mentionables: Sequence[User | Role]#

The values selected for a mentionable select menu.

property message: Message#

The message this context is proxying.

property roles: Sequence[Role]#

The values selected for a role select menu.

property users: Sequence[User]#

The users selected for a user select menu.

property values: Sequence[str]#

The values selected for a select menu.

class flare.context.modal.ModalContext(interaction: T)[source]#

Bases: PartialContext[ModalInteraction]

property components: Sequence[ActionRowComponent[TextInputComponent]]#

Returns the components for this modal.

property values: Sequence[str | None]#

Return an array of all flare.TextInput selected values.

class flare.context.base.InteractionResponse(context: PartialContext[Any], message: Message | None = None)[source]#

Bases: object

Represents a response to an interaction, allows for standardized handling of responses. This class is not meant to be directly instantiated, and is instead returned by flare.context.PartialContext.

async delete() None[source]#

Delete the response issued to the interaction this object represents.

async edit(content: hikari.UndefinedOr[t.Any] = UNDEFINED, *, component: hikari.UndefinedOr[hikari.api.ComponentBuilder] = UNDEFINED, components: hikari.UndefinedOr[t.Sequence[hikari.api.ComponentBuilder]] = UNDEFINED, attachment: hikari.UndefinedNoneOr[hikari.Resourceish] = UNDEFINED, attachments: hikari.UndefinedNoneOr[t.Sequence[hikari.Resourceish]] = UNDEFINED, embed: hikari.UndefinedOr[hikari.Embed] = UNDEFINED, embeds: hikari.UndefinedOr[t.Sequence[hikari.Embed]] = UNDEFINED, mentions_everyone: hikari.UndefinedOr[bool] = UNDEFINED, user_mentions: hikari.UndefinedOr[t.Union[hikari.SnowflakeishSequence[hikari.PartialUser], bool]] = UNDEFINED, role_mentions: hikari.UndefinedOr[t.Union[hikari.SnowflakeishSequence[hikari.PartialRole], bool]] = UNDEFINED) InteractionResponse[source]#

A short-hand method to edit the message belonging to this response.

  • content – The content of the message. Anything passed here will be cast to str.

  • attachment – An attachment to add to this message.

  • attachments – A sequence of attachments to add to this message.

  • component – A component to add to this message.

  • components – A sequence of components to add to this message.

  • embed – An embed to add to this message.

  • embeds – A sequence of embeds to add to this message.

  • mentions_everyone – If True, mentioning @everyone will be allowed.

  • user_mentions – The set of allowed user mentions in this message. Set to True to allow all.

  • role_mentions – The set of allowed role mentions in this message. Set to True to allow all.


A proxy object representing the response to the interaction.

Return type:


async retrieve_message() Message[source]#

Get or fetch the message created by this response. Initial responses need to be fetched, while followups will be provided directly.

> ℹ️

The object itself can also be awaited directly, which in turn calls this method, producing the same results.


The message created by this response.

Return type:


class flare.context.base.PartialContext(interaction: T)[source]#

Bases: Generic[T]

A context object proxying a Discord interaction.

async defer(response_type: ~typing.Literal[<ResponseType.DEFERRED_MESSAGE_CREATE: 5>, <ResponseType.DEFERRED_MESSAGE_UPDATE: 6>] = <ResponseType.DEFERRED_MESSAGE_CREATE: 5>, *, flags: int | ~hikari.messages.MessageFlag | ~hikari.undefined.UndefinedType = UNDEFINED) None[source]#

Short-hand method to defer an interaction response. Raises RuntimeError if the interaction was already responded to.

  • response_type (t.Literal[hikari.ResponseType.DEFERRED_MESSAGE_CREATE, hikari.ResponseType.DEFERRED_MESSAGE_UPDATE], optional) – The response-type of this defer action. Defaults to DEFERRED_MESSAGE_UPDATE.

  • flags (t.Union[int, hikari.MessageFlag, None], optional) – Message flags that should be included with this defer request, by default None

  • RuntimeError – The interaction was already responded to.

  • ValueError – response_type was not a deferred response type.

async edit_response(content: hikari.UndefinedNoneOr[t.Any] = UNDEFINED, *, flags: t.Union[int, hikari.MessageFlag, hikari.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED, tts: hikari.UndefinedOr[bool] = UNDEFINED, component: hikari.UndefinedOr[hikari.api.ComponentBuilder] = UNDEFINED, components: hikari.UndefinedOr[t.Sequence[hikari.api.ComponentBuilder]] = UNDEFINED, attachment: hikari.UndefinedNoneOr[hikari.Resourceish] = UNDEFINED, attachments: hikari.UndefinedNoneOr[t.Sequence[hikari.Resourceish]] = UNDEFINED, embed: hikari.UndefinedOr[hikari.Embed] = UNDEFINED, embeds: hikari.UndefinedOr[t.Sequence[hikari.Embed]] = UNDEFINED, mentions_everyone: hikari.UndefinedOr[bool] = UNDEFINED, user_mentions: hikari.UndefinedOr[t.Union[hikari.SnowflakeishSequence[hikari.PartialUser], bool]] = UNDEFINED, role_mentions: hikari.UndefinedOr[t.Union[hikari.SnowflakeishSequence[hikari.PartialRole], bool]] = UNDEFINED) InteractionResponse[source]#

A short-hand method to edit the last message belonging to this interaction. In the case of modals, this will be the component’s message that triggered the modal.

  • content – The content of the message. Anything passed here will be cast to str.

  • tts – If the message should be tts or not.

  • attachment – An attachment to add to this message.

  • attachments – A sequence of attachments to add to this message.

  • component – A component to add to this message.

  • components – A sequence of components to add to this message.

  • embed – An embed to add to this message.

  • embeds – A sequence of embeds to add to this message.

  • mentions_everyone – If True, mentioning @everyone will be allowed.

  • user_mentions – The set of allowed user mentions in this message. Set to True to allow all.

  • role_mentions – The set of allowed role mentions in this message. Set to True to allow all.

  • flags – Message flags that should be included with this message.


A proxy object representing the response to the interaction.

Return type:


get_channel() TextableGuildChannel | None[source]#

Gets the channel this context represents, None if in a DM. Requires application cache.

get_guild() GatewayGuild | None[source]#

Gets the guild this context represents, if any. Requires application cache.

async get_last_response() InteractionResponse[source]#

Get the last response issued to the interaction this context is proxying.


The response object.

Return type:



RuntimeError – The interaction was not yet responded to.

async respond(content: hikari.UndefinedOr[t.Any] = UNDEFINED, *, flags: t.Union[int, hikari.MessageFlag, hikari.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED, tts: hikari.UndefinedOr[bool] = UNDEFINED, component: hikari.UndefinedOr[hikari.api.ComponentBuilder] = UNDEFINED, components: hikari.UndefinedOr[t.Sequence[hikari.api.ComponentBuilder]] = UNDEFINED, attachment: hikari.UndefinedOr[hikari.Resourceish] = UNDEFINED, attachments: hikari.UndefinedOr[t.Sequence[hikari.Resourceish]] = UNDEFINED, embed: hikari.UndefinedOr[hikari.Embed] = UNDEFINED, embeds: hikari.UndefinedOr[t.Sequence[hikari.Embed]] = UNDEFINED, mentions_everyone: hikari.UndefinedOr[bool] = UNDEFINED, user_mentions: hikari.UndefinedOr[t.Union[hikari.SnowflakeishSequence[hikari.PartialUser], bool]] = UNDEFINED, role_mentions: hikari.UndefinedOr[t.Union[hikari.SnowflakeishSequence[hikari.PartialRole], bool]] = UNDEFINED) InteractionResponse[source]#

Short-hand method to create a new message response via the interaction this context represents.

  • content – The content of the message. Anything passed here will be cast to str.

  • tts – If the message should be tts or not.

  • attachment – An attachment to add to this message.

  • attachments – A sequence of attachments to add to this message.

  • component – A component to add to this message.

  • components – A sequence of components to add to this message.

  • embed – An embed to add to this message.

  • embeds – A sequence of embeds to add to this message.

  • mentions_everyone – If True, mentioning @everyone will be allowed.

  • user_mentions – The set of allowed user mentions in this message. Set to True to allow all.

  • role_mentions – The set of allowed role mentions in this message. Set to True to allow all.

  • flags – Message flags that should be included with this message.


A proxy object representing the response to the interaction.

Return type:


property app: RESTAware#

The application that received the interaction.

property app_permissions: Permissions | None#

The permissions of the user who triggered the interaction. Will be None in DMs.

property author: User#

Alias for PartialContext.user

property bot: RESTAware#

The application that received the interaction.

property channel_id: Snowflake#

The ID of the channel the context represents.

property custom_id: str#

The developer provided unique identifier for the interaction this context is proxying.

property guild_id: Snowflake | None#

The ID of the guild the context represents. Will be None in DMs.

property guild_locale: str | Locale | None#

The guild locale of this context, if in a guild. This will default to en-US if not a community guild.

property interaction: T#

The underlying interaction object.

property locale: str | Locale#

The locale of this context.

property member: InteractionMember | None#

The member who triggered this interaction. Will be None in DMs.

property responses: Sequence[InteractionResponse]#

A list of all responses issued to the interaction this context is proxying.

property user: User#

The user who triggered this interaction.