Converters API Reference#

class flare.converters.Converter(type: T)[source]#

Bases: ABC, Generic[T]

Converters are used to convert types between a python object and string.

import flare
import hikari

class IntConverter(flare.Converter[int]):
    async def to_str(self, obj: int) -> str:
        return str(obj)

    async def from_str(self, obj: str) -> int:
        return int(obj)

flare.add_converter(int, IntConverter)

@flare.button(label="Button", style=hikari.ButtonStyle.PRIMARY)
async def button(
    ctx: flare.MessageContext,
    # `IntConverter` will be used to serialize and deserialize this kwarg.
    number: int,

The type that is currently being serialized/deserialized. This will be different than the generic type if a subclass of the generic type is being serialized/deserialized.

class flare.converters.EnumConverter(type: T)[source]#

Bases: Converter[Enum]

class flare.converters.IntConverter(type: T)[source]#

Bases: Converter[int]

class flare.converters.StringConverter(type: T)[source]#

Bases: Converter[str]

flare.converters.add_converter(t: Any, converter: type[Converter[Any]], *, supports_subclass: bool = False) None[source]#

Set a converter to be used for a certain type hint and the subclasses of the type hint.

  • t – The type this converter supports.

  • converter – The converter object.

  • supports_subclass – If True, this converter will be used for subclasses of t.