Select API Reference#

class*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: _AbstractSelect

Class for a channel select menu message component.

  • channel_types – The channel types that will appear in this select menu.

  • min_vales – The minimum amount of values a user must select.

  • max_values – The maximum amount of values a user must select.

  • placeholder – Placeholder text when no option is selected.

  • disabled – Whether the button is disabled.

  • cookie – An identifier to use for the select menu. A custom cookie can be supplied so a shorter one is used in serializing and deserializing.

build(action_row: MessageActionRowBuilder) None[source]#

Build the select menu into the passed in action row.

class*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BaseSelect

Class for a mentionable select menu message component.

  • min_vales – The minimum amount of values a user must select.

  • max_values – The maximum amount of values a user must select.

  • placeholder – Placeholder text when no option is selected.

  • disabled – Whether the button is disabled.

  • cookie – An identifier to use for the select menu. A custom cookie can be supplied so a shorter one is used in serializing and deserializing.

class*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BaseSelect

Class for a role select menu message component.

  • min_vales – The minimum amount of values a user must select.

  • max_values – The maximum amount of values a user must select.

  • placeholder – Placeholder text when no option is selected.

  • disabled – Whether the button is disabled.

  • cookie – An identifier to use for the select menu. A custom cookie can be supplied so a shorter one is used in serializing and deserializing.

class*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: _AbstractSelect

Class for a select menu message component.

  • options – An array of options for the select menu. This must be provided when the class is created or using Select.set_options.

  • min_vales – The minimum amount of values a user must select.

  • max_values – The maximum amount of values a user must select.

  • placeholder – Placeholder text when no option is selected.

  • disabled – Whether the button is disabled.

  • cookie – An identifier to use for the select menu. A custom cookie can be supplied so a shorter one is used in serializing and deserializing.

build(action_row: MessageActionRowBuilder) None[source]#

Build the select menu into the passed in action row.

class*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BaseSelect

Class for a user select menu message component.

  • min_vales – The minimum amount of values a user must select.

  • max_values – The maximum amount of values a user must select.

  • placeholder – Placeholder text when no option is selected.

  • disabled – Whether the button is disabled.

  • cookie – An identifier to use for the select menu. A custom cookie can be supplied so a shorter one is used in serializing and deserializing.

class*, cookie: str | None = None, channel_types: Sequence[ChannelType] | None = None, min_values: int | None = None, max_values: int | None = None, placeholder: str | UndefinedType = UNDEFINED, disabled: bool | None = None)[source]#

Bases: _AbstractSelectFunction[ChannelSelect]

property component_type: type[ChannelSelect]#

The component type.

property kwargs: dict[str, Any]#

The kwargs for __init_subclass__

class*, cookie: str | None = None, min_values: int | None = None, max_values: int | None = None, placeholder: str | UndefinedType = UNDEFINED, disabled: bool | None = None)[source]#

Bases: _AbstractSelectFunction[MentionableSelect]

property component_type: type[MentionableSelect]#

The component type.

class*, cookie: str | None = None, min_values: int | None = None, max_values: int | None = None, placeholder: str | UndefinedType = UNDEFINED, disabled: bool | None = None)[source]#

Bases: _AbstractSelectFunction[RoleSelect]

property component_type: type[RoleSelect]#

The component type.

class*, cookie: str | None = None, options: Sequence[tuple[str, str] | str | SelectMenuOption] | None = None, min_values: int | None = None, max_values: int | None = None, placeholder: str | UndefinedType = UNDEFINED, disabled: bool | None = None)[source]#

Bases: _AbstractSelectFunction[TextSelect]

property component_type: type[TextSelect]#

The component type.

property kwargs: dict[str, Any]#

The kwargs for __init_subclass__

class*, cookie: str | None = None, min_values: int | None = None, max_values: int | None = None, placeholder: str | UndefinedType = UNDEFINED, disabled: bool | None = None)[source]#

Bases: _AbstractSelectFunction[UserSelect]

property component_type: type[UserSelect]#

The component type.