State and parameters#

When creating a component, state is stored as arguments and keyword arguments in the function.

async def button(
    ctx: flare.MessageContext,
    arg: int,
    kwarg: int = 0,

You will be forced to supply arg in the button() method, but kwarg will be optional. The signature of button() will be:

def button(arg: int, kwarg: int = 0):

When calling button(), if you do not provide arguments correctly, type errors will be raised.

button(1)               # Ok!
button(1, 2)            # Ok!
button(arg=1, kwarg=2)  # Ok!
button()                # Type Error: Missing argument `arg`.
button(1, invalid=5)    # Type Error: `invalid` is not a keyword argument.

Required keyword arguments are also supported.

async def button(
    ctx: flare.MessageContext,
    required_kwarg: int,

button(required_kwarg=10)  # Ok!
button()                   # Type Error. Missing `required_kwarg`.

Editing Components#

Components can be edited to update state. The simplist way to edit components is to create all of them again.

@flare.button(label="Click Me!")
async def button(
    ctx: flare.MessageContext,
    number: int,
) -> None: 
    await ctx.edit_response(
        component=await flare.Row(button(number=number+1).set_label(str(number+1)))

There is also a shortcut to return all the components in the message flare.MessageContext is proxying.

@flare.button(label="Click Me!")
async def button(
    ctx: flare.MessageContext,
    number: int,
) -> None: 
    # Returns all the components that this `ctx` proxies as `typing.Sequence[flare.Row]`.
    rows = await ctx.get_components()

    # Print all of the components
    for row in rows:
        for component in row:

This list can be mutated to change modified to edit components.

@flare.button(label="Click me!")
async def button(
    ctx: flare.MessageContext,
    number: int,
) -> None:
    number += 1

    # Get all the components as a list of rows.
    rows = await ctx.get_components()

    # Edit the values for `button` in the list of rows.
    me = rows[0][0]
    me.number += 1

    await ctx.edit_response(
        # Build all the rows.
        components=await asyncio.gather(*rows),

Complex Buttons#

Dataclass-like syntax can be used to create buttons with type safe attributes. This class is constructed identically to how a dataclass is constructed.

class Button(flare.Button, label="Label"):
    a: int
    b: int = 5

    async def callback(self, ctx: flare.MessageContext):
        reveal_type(self.a)  # int
        reveal_type(self.b)  # int


        # Type safe component attribute editing
        self.a = 5
        self.b = 10

        await ctx.edit_response(
            component=await flare.Row(self),