
Converters allow you to serialize and deserialize types. Here in an example of an int converter.

# All converters inherit from `Converter[T]` where `T` is the type that they
# convert to a string and back.
class IntConverter(flare.Converter[int]):
    async def to_str(self, obj: int) -> str:
        return str(obj)

    async def from_str(self, obj: str) -> int:
        return int(obj)

# Add the converter to `flare`. Without this, the type will not be converted
# with the converter.
    int,          # The typehint this converter is used for.
    IntConverter  # The converter class.


Do not use this impl. A more space efficient version of IntConverter is enabled by default.

Here is an example of converting a more complex custom class.


The strings your converters generate should be as short as possible. Only 100 characters can be used in a component’s custom id.

import dataclasses
import enum

# An `Enum` with `int` values is used to reduce space when serializing.
class CatBreed(enum.Enum):
    Saimese =
    TabbyCat =

class Cat:
    name: str
    breed: CatBreed

class CatConverter(flare.Converter[Cat]):
    async def to_str(self, obj: Cat) -> str:
        # Space is minimal! Using a format like this is much more space
        # efficient than json.
        return f"{}:{obj.breed.value}"

    async def from_str(self, obj: str) -> Cat:
        name, breed = obj.split(":")
        return Cat(
            # The `breed` string must be converted to an `int` so it is a
            # valid value of `CatBreed`.


Converting Subclasses#

By default converters will only effect the exact type they convert. They can also be set to convert subclasses of that type. self.type can be accessed to get the type that is currently being converted.

class SubclassIntConverter(flare.Converter[int]):
    async def to_string(self, obj: int) -> str:
        return str(obj) 

    async def from_str(self, obj: str) -> int:
        # `self.type` is the type that is currently being converted.
        # Examples:
        # - If an int was being converted, `self.type` would be `int`.
        # - If a `hikari.Snowflake` is being converted, `self.type` would
        #   be `hikari.Snowflake`.
        return self.type(obj)

# Add the converter for type `int` and all subtypes of `int`.