Source code for flare.converters

import abc
import enum
import functools
import inspect
import struct
import types
import typing as t

import hikari.traits

from flare import exceptions

T = t.TypeVar("T")

__all__: t.Final[t.Sequence[str]] = (

[docs] class Converter(abc.ABC, t.Generic[T]): """ Converters are used to convert types between a python object and string. .. code-block:: python import flare import hikari class IntConverter(flare.Converter[int]): async def to_str(self, obj: int) -> str: return str(obj) async def from_str(self, obj: str) -> int: return int(obj) flare.add_converter(int, IntConverter) @flare.button(label="Button", style=hikari.ButtonStyle.PRIMARY) async def button( ctx: flare.MessageContext, # `IntConverter` will be used to serialize and deserialize this kwarg. number: int, ): ... Attributes: type: The type that is currently being serialized/deserialized. This will be different than the generic type if a subclass of the generic type is being serialized/deserialized. """ app: t.ClassVar[hikari.traits.EventManagerAware] def __init__(self, type: T) -> None: super().__init__() self.type = type @abc.abstractmethod async def to_str(self, obj: T) -> str: ... @abc.abstractmethod async def from_str(self, obj: str) -> T: ...
_converters: dict[t.Any, tuple[type[Converter[t.Any]], bool]] = {}
[docs] def add_converter(t: t.Any, converter: type[Converter[t.Any]], *, supports_subclass: bool = False) -> None: """ Set a converter to be used for a certain type hint and the subclasses of the type hint. Args: t: The type this converter supports. converter: The converter object. supports_subclass: If `True`, this converter will be used for subclasses of `t`. """ _converters[t] = (converter, supports_subclass) get_converter.cache_clear()
def _any_issubclass(t: t.Any, cls: t.Any) -> bool: if not inspect.isclass(t): return False return issubclass(t, cls) def _is_union(obj: t.Any) -> bool: origin: t.Any = t.get_origin(obj) return origin is types.UnionType or origin is t.Union def _get_left(obj: t.Any) -> t.Any: if not _is_union(obj): return obj return t.get_args(obj)[0] @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=128) def get_converter(type_: t.Any) -> Converter[t.Any]: """ Return the converter used for a certain type hint. If a Union is passed, the left side of the Union will be used to find the converter. """ origin = _get_left(type_) origin_: t.Any = t.get_origin(origin) if origin_: origin = origin_ if origin in _converters: converter, _ = _converters[origin] return converter(origin) else: for k, (converter, supports_subclass) in _converters.items(): if supports_subclass and _any_issubclass(origin, k): return converter(origin) raise exceptions.ConverterError(f"Could not find converter for type `{getattr(type_, '__name__', type_)}`.")
[docs] class IntConverter(Converter[int]): async def to_str(self, obj: int) -> str: byte_length = obj.bit_length() // 8 + 1 return obj.to_bytes(byte_length, "little").decode("latin1") async def from_str(self, obj: str) -> int: return self.type.from_bytes(obj.encode("latin1"), "little")
class FloatConverter(Converter[float]): async def to_str(self, obj: float) -> str: return struct.pack("d", obj).decode("latin1") async def from_str(self, obj: str) -> float: return struct.unpack("d", obj.encode("latin1"))[0]
[docs] class StringConverter(Converter[str]): async def to_str(self, obj: str) -> str: return obj async def from_str(self, obj: str) -> str: return obj
[docs] class EnumConverter(Converter[enum.Enum]): async def to_str(self, obj: enum.Enum) -> str: return await get_converter(int).to_str(obj.value) async def from_str(self, obj: str) -> enum.Enum: return self.type(get_converter(int).from_str(obj)) # type: ignore
class BoolConverter(Converter[bool]): async def to_str(self, obj: bool) -> str: return "1" if obj else "0" async def from_str(self, obj: str) -> bool: return bool(int(obj)) add_converter(float, FloatConverter, supports_subclass=True) add_converter(int, IntConverter, supports_subclass=True) add_converter(str, StringConverter, supports_subclass=True) add_converter(t.Literal, StringConverter) add_converter(enum.Enum, EnumConverter, supports_subclass=True) add_converter(bool, BoolConverter) # MIT License # # Copyright (c) 2022-present Lunarmagpie # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE.